제품소개필터막 화학 적합성

필터막 화학 적합성

○ Recommended    × Not Recommended    △ General Recommended    ─ No Data, need test
The definition of solvent compatibility for Millipore products differs from that used in deter-mining the ratings given in published compatibility tables. Such tables are generally concerned with chemical attack and significant losses in strength and/or dimensional changes. Other compatibility tables may make recommendations based upon dimensional change as a function of time. This is difficult to relate to a membrane that may respond almost immediately to immersion in sol-vent. In addition, solvent-membrane compatibility requires additional consideration of filtration specific factors. None of these published compatibility guides, for example, monitors the sol-vent's ability to wet a membrane or increase extractables. This table does not consider solvent safety issues.
Acetic Acid (glacial) Acid, Organic × ×
Acetone × × ×
Acetonitrile (ACN) × ×
Aminobenzene (Benzen Amine) - × - -
Ammonium Hydroxide × × × -
Ammonium Sulfate (saturated) × × -
Amyl Acetate × - -
Amyl Alcohol × -
Benzene ×
Benzyl Alcohol × - -
Benzyl Alcohol, 4% -
Benzyl Benzoate - × -
Boric Acid (aqueous solution) -
Butyl Acetate - × ×
Butyl Alcohol
Carbon Tetrachloride ×
Cellosolve (Ethyl) × ×
Cellulose Acetate
Chlorobenzene ×
Chlorobutane × ×
Chloroform - × ×
Chloromethane - - × - -
Citric Acid -
Cotton Seed Oil - -
Cyclohexane × -
Cyclohexanone × × ×
Diethyl Ether -
Diethyl Pyrocarbonate, 0.2% - - × - -
Diethyl Acetamide - × - -
Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO) × × ×
Dimethyl Acetamide × × × ×
Dimethyl Formamide (DMF) × × ×
Dioxane × ×
Ethers × -
Ethyl Acetate × ×
Ethyl Alcohol × -
Ethylene Dichloride ×
Ethylene Glycol ×
Ethylene Glycol Monoethyl Ether Acetate - × -
Ethylene Glycol Monomethyl Ether - × × -
Formaldehyde × -
Formaldehyde (aqueous solution), 30%
Formic Acid, 50% acid - - ×
Freon × ×
Glycerine (Glycerol)
Guanidine Hydrochloride, 6M × - - -
Guanidine Thiocyanate, 5M × - - -
Helium - -
Hydrochloric Acid, 1N (HCL)
Hydrochloric Acid, 25% (HCl) - ×
Hydrochloric Acid, 6N (HCL) - × ×
Hydrochloric Acid, conc. (HCL) × × - ×
Hydrofluoric Acid × × × ×
Hydrofluoric Acid, 6N - - -
Hydrogen -
Hydrogen Peroxide, 90% × - ×
Hydrogen Peroxide, 3% × -
Hydrogen Peroxide, 30% × - -
HYPO (aqueous solution) -
Isobutyl Alcohol - -
Isopropyl Acetate × ×
Isopropyl Alcohol × ×
Isopropyl Ehter - - -
Isopropyl Myristate - × -
Isopropyl Acetone × × × -
Lactic Acid, 50% - - - -
lubricating Oil - ×
Mercaptoethanol, 0.1M - - × - -
Methyl Acetate × × ×
Methyl Alcohol × -
Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK) × × ×
Methyl Isobutyl Ketone (MIBK) × × ×
Methylene Chloride × × ×
Mineral Spirits
Nickel Sulfate Solution - -
Nitric Acid (concentrated) - × × × ×
Nitric Acid, 1% - - - -
Nitric Acid, 6N × - ×
Nitrobenzene ×
Nitrogen -
Ozone - ×
Paraldehyde - × -
Peanut Oil - -
Petroleum Ether -
Phenol (aqueous solution) - × -
Phosphoric Acid, conc. × - ×
Potassium Hydroxide, 3N × -
n-Propanol -
Propyl Acetate × × -
Propylene Glycol × -
Propylene Glycol Acetate - × × -
Pyridine × × × -
Sesame Oil - ×
Silicone Oils -
Isobutyl Alcohol -
Sodium Carbonate (aqueous solu-tion) - -
Sodium Chloride (aqueous solution) -
Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate - - - -
Sodium Hydroxide (concentrated) × ×
Sodium Hydroxide, 3N ×
Sulfuric Acid (concentrated) - × × ×
TCA (aqueous solution) × - -
Tetrachloroethylene,Perchloroethylene - × -
Tetraethylammonium - - -
Tetrahydrofuran (THF) × × ×
Tetrahydronaphthalene /Decahydronaphthalene - -
Trichloroacetic Acid (TDA), 10% - - -
Trichloroethane - × × -
Trichloroethylene × × -
Triethanolamine - - -
Turpentine - -
Tween 20 (aqueous solution) - - -
Urea, 8M -
Water (Brine) -
Xylene -